
洗浴及美容頭髮和頭皮髮型,膠,摩絲,等-Shea Moisture, Groom & Shave, Three Butters Utility Gel Mousse, 8 fl oz (237 ml)床的世界

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如果你還在考慮Shea Moisture, Groom & Shave, Three Butters Utility Gel Mousse, 8 fl oz (237 ml)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~

  • Established 1912

  • W/ Shea, Mango & Avocado Butters

  • Wavy, Curly Hair

  • Hydrate, Control & Hold

  • Certified Organic Ingredient

  • 髮旺旺
  • Cruelty Free

  • 髮旺旺

What it is:

An alcohol-free Utility Gel Mousse for wavy, curly hair. Formulated with nutrient-rich Shea, Mango and Avocado Butters.

What it does:

Smoothes and hydrates hair髮旺旺 while adding body and shine. Provides a long lasting medium hold without build up or flaking.

Shea Moisture, Groom & Shave, Three Butters Utility Gel Mousse, 8 fl oz (237 ml)






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